Keeping Our Eyes on the God Who Prospers

by Delaine Allen

Things?started off?as fairly simple for the Israelites as they journeyed into the desert with Moses. They had their families, their livestock, and what they could carry on their backs. God had them in a place where they?had to trust Him, alone for everything. God was their only available source of… food, water, and protection. “They shall know that I am the Lord their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I might dwell among them; I am the Lord their God.” (Ex. 29:45-46)

Over the next forty years, He cared for them and made a bunch?of? fearful former slaves into an powerful army. When the Israelites were obedient to God, their enemies were easily defeated. They entered their Promised Land and over the course of time, not without their ups and downs, became ?a prestigious and powerful kingdom under the leaderships of David and Solomon. God exalted Himself in their midst and in their land so?the other nations feared them.

Then they lost everythng. They were taken into captivity and their land was devastated.

Their problem all along, right from the time they left Egypt, was that the “grass was always greener on the other side”. They felt that they had to have what the other nations had in order to validate themselves. What God did for them was never good enough because they lusted after the world and its ways. “And the rabble who were among them had greedy desires; and also the sons of Israel wept again and said…’now our appetite is gone. There is nothing at all to look at except this manna . “ (Num. 11:4,?6)

The Israelites wanted to have a king like the other nations had: a temporal, tangible, flesh and blood hero-leader rather than an invisible God. It would make them feel important. While God recognized this as a personal rejection of Himself, He still granted their desire. At least, the?Israelites would be corralled under one leader; if?the king would follow God, the nation would follow God.

God’s chosen?people also desired?the sensual worship practises of other nations. They adopted the?gods and destructive customs?of their neighbours.

God had always wanted to exalt them and bless them,?to make them the envy of all the other nations,?drawing all to Himself. Living in God’s ways prospered Israel above all.? The Deuteronomy blessing?was?beyond comparison. They were wealthy. They were undefeatable. No sweat victory! When we look back at?the Israelites through the pages of scripture, it seems ludicrous that they could exchange the blessings of God for something so far beneath them.

Israel’s?old?slave mentality,?characterized by their small, lustful mindsets continued?to infect them?generation after generation. The trinkets and silly behavior of the world?captivated their attention and drew them to destruction.

Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. (1 Cor. 10:11)

We are now living in a time when God is raising up His own people to prominence in business, as in all sectors of society. Godly strategies for prosperity are being revealed at the same time that the world’s system is cracking and falling apart. We have a mighty?Lord?who wants?to demonstrate?Himself through His church and draw all people to Himself. A prosperous, powerful?church is one of the trumpet calls of the last days.

There are still many among us though, that don’t yet see the Lord as much as they see the sparkle and sheen of the stuff. They’re excited and fired up about the news that God wants to prosper His people. After all, aren’t we throwing off the bondage of past generations, the old mindsets?that tell us that Christians are supposed to be poor?

God?IS the Blesser. He gives?”the power to make wealth that He may confirm His covenant.”?The Word of God is absolutely true, and all scriptures are?in harmony with one another.?The God who prospers us is the same?God who tells us to keep our characters free from the love of money. We are to be wrapped up in His Kingdom purposes. Let’s make sure our self-esteem isn’t wrapped up in what we possess, or in what we desire to posses. Let’s not have our time and energies all caught up in how we’re going to make money for ourselves, rather than furthering the Kingdom.? We are to?”make friends for [y]ourselves?by means of?unrighteous mammon, that when it fails, they may receive [us] into eternal dwellings.” (Luke 16:9)

Prospering on purpose,?while keeping ourselves free from the love of money is not possible without keeping our attention and desires on the Lord. “For from Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things.“?(Rom.11:36)??Whatever is truly from God is done His way, to His glory.

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